Using brave writer in small groups
Using brave writer in small groups

I do not ever want for them to cringe when they see a pen and paper. I want them to find their voice and to share it. Brave Writer allows for natural writing development Our children get so bogged down in the mechanical aspects of getting those letters on a page that their amazing ideas, stories, and inventions are cast by the wayside.

using brave writer in small groups

And, the play is where you find the writer and where the writer discovers his voice.

using brave writer in small groups

It takes longer for written language to develop than for oral language and yet our children are handed worksheet after worksheet after worksheet. Now, think about how our education system handles written language. Instead, we delight in them! Our children learn to speak well through exposure to language, conversations, read alouds, and life in general, with little intervention on our part. As parents, we are so happy that our child is starting to speak that we pay no attention to these mistakes. When your child starts to speak, he or she makes tons of pronunciation and grammatical errors. It takes approximately 10 years for written language to develop.It takes approximately 5 years for oral language to develop.I love Brave Writer for a multitude of reasons, but one of the top reasons is this: Brave Writer allows for natural writing development. I always felt so badly for these boys, who cringed when they were faced with a pencil and paper. All too often, it seemed that schools were placing pressure on the logistics of writing, and all creativity and fun was lost. It was frustrating for them, laborious, and physically painful. These boys hated, despised, cursed, and dreaded the act of writing. When I was working as a school psychologist I saw countless students, often boys, who loathed writing. Image source: Pixabay Allow for Natural Writing Development with Brave Writer Today, I’m going to tell you why I love Brave Writer.

using brave writer in small groups

I’ve changed curriculum choices several times over the years, but our writing curriculum has remained the same since the beginning. I made some great choices…and some pretty terrible ones. I scrambled to research curricula that would meet my son’s needs.

using brave writer in small groups

Just over two years ago, I found myself unexpectedly homeschooling.

Using brave writer in small groups